
(215) 675-3210

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Board Certified Family Physician
Diplomate American Board of Obesity Medicine
30 Years of Experience – 10,000 Patients Served
Safe, Effective Diets & Behavior Training
Personal Programs In A Small Office Setting


Obesity-Related Medical Conditions:

Heart DiseasePremature Ageing
HypertensionLoss of Vitality
High CholesterolArthritis
Cancer RiskCOVID Morbidity
Kidney DiseaseGOUT & PCOS
Sleep ApneaReflux Esophagitis

Q. I know I’m overweight, but what exactly is obesity and how can I determine how bad my problem is?

A. Waist Measurement High Risk–Women (35″), Men (40″).
The National Institutes of Health have established four categories of increasing health risk based on the Body Mass Index (BMI) formula as follows:

Normal (18~24)

Overweight (25~29)

Obese (30~35)

Morbid Obesity (>35)

To determine your BMI, take your weight (pounds), divided by your height (inches), divide again by your height, and multiply the result by 703.

Q. Is my metabolism slow? I followed my doctor’s 1000 calorie diet strictly, but I only lost 10 pounds in two months and I gained it all back!

A. In my office I determine every patient’s energy metabolism using state-of-the-art calorimetry testing.

Most overweight people lose some initial weight on strict low-calorie diets, but their bodies soon adapt to what is perceived as starvation by slowing their metabolism and preventing further weight loss.

In the Diet Right Program you will achieve ‘optimal’ lean body weight, and more importantly, you will learn the behavioral skills necessary for lasting weight control.

Fortunately, reliance upon balanced calorie counting diets is
giving way to more effective approaches based on new scientific
discoveries about food and metabolism.

Q. If I take “Wagovy” drug injections, will it ‘cure’ my obesity?

A. No, it will not! After initial rapid, but limited weight loss, a plateau will occur well short of ‘optimal goal weight’, with rapid weight regain upon discontinuance. Nausea and constipation are common, and excessive loss of lean tissue leaves many with scrawny muscles and loose skin. Long-term safety is uncertain. Wagovy is intended only for patients with substantial obesity unresponsive to alternative methods, and only under the careful supervision of an experienced medical obesity specialist.

Q. How do I choose the best diet with so many diets available?

A. Caveat Emptor ~ let the buyer beware!
Marketers of fad diets, commercial nutrition products, drug companies and online ‘doctors’ are highly skilled at mixing fact with fiction. You should not believe them.

Accept your weight problem for what it truly is:

that will require a dedicated commitment of time and effort between you and an expert such as Dr. Kane.

The best way to control your weight is through a comprehensive medical evaluation and closely monitored program under the care of an experienced professional.

  1. Initial Medical Evaluation
    Lab Studies, EKG, Body Composition Analysis and Behavioral Assessment ensure safety.
  2. Rapid Weight Loss
    Effective scientific medical diets. Appetite suppressants are optional but not necessary. PSMF Program for insulin-dependent diabetics. Special programs for Bariatric Surgical Patients.
  3. Consultation with the doctor every visit.
    Psychological counseling teaches behavioral skills and stress management. Weight-control skills become life-control skills.
  4. Management of Medical Conditions
    Specific regimens of exercise, stretching, ergonomics and self-care are provided for individual health problems. Medications may be reduced or discontinued with weight loss.
  5. Permanent Weight Control
    Individualized maintenance with a customized food program and long-term support. Weight loss is only the beginning of a life-long commitment.
  6. Health Isurance Reimbursement
    Medicare, HSA’s, and some insurance companies offer out-of-network coverage for physician services related to obesity and its co-morbidities.

“Weight control is a skill, not a diet,
an education, not a product.”

Learn it from an experienced professional!

Take Action Today for a better tomorrow!
Call Dr. Kane TODAY


Dr. Michael D. Kane has been in private medical practice since 1983 and has provided personal service to more than ten thousand patients. He is board certified by the American Osteopathic Board of General Practice and by the American Board of Obesity Medicine. He has been a Fellow of the American Academy of Disability Evaluating Physicians and is a Senior Fellow of the American Board of Biofeedback and Behavioral Medicine.

His professional background and experience make him uniquely qualified as a medical weight control specialist. He is dedicated to providing each patient with the individual attention needed to assure safe rapid weight loss, lasting weight control and the achievement of a healthy fulfilling life.

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